Self Care For The Busy Mom And Homemaker

A little self-care for moms is important! Sometimes as mom’s we seem to think we need to be martyrs. Taking care of everyone else and all their needs and neglecting our own.

While you could probably do this for a little while, this will eventually lead to a tired, stressed and probably angry momma.

I know we are all busy and time can be limited which is why I thought this post is important to write. What we all need is to nourish our bodies, soul and mind.

I’ll share below many tips and ideas on how to make sure your cup gets filled throughout the day! As I’m sure you have heard you can’t give from an empty cup.

Here are practical tips and ideas for moms to improve self-care at home. No mom can give from an empty cup so let's fill yours.

You Don’t Have To Do It All

I think the most important thing to realise is you do not have to do it all! “Doing it all,” won’t help anyone. It just leads to a tired, deflated, and even resentful momma.

I am big on kids doing chores and helping out. This has been a huge help and blessing to me. I wrote a post all about age-appropriate chores here if you’d like to have a read.

Delegating chores and making it a routine really helps take that extra weight of the shoulder’s. Kids are capable of doing more than we give them credit for. We shouldn’t deprive them of the blessing it is to help pitch in and help others.

Of course, you can also ask your husband for help as well whether it’s bedtime, bath time or picking up groceries. Most men don’t mind helping if they are asked.

I honestly think they just assume we can do it all and it doesn’t even cross their minds that we are struggling. So don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it!

It’s Okay To Take Care Of Yourelf

Sometimes it’s just a mindset shift. Doing things now and then for yourself is not selfish. I don’t mean doing anything lavish all the time by the way, but doing something that you personally enjoy once in a while is not a bad thing.

Taking time to make sure you are nourished, that you are clean and comfortable, that your mind and body get a rest throughout the day is important. You are far more likely to get more done, be more present and a happier parent when your basic needs are met.

You Don’t Need A Lot Of Money For Self Care

Reading books in a corner.

Some people when they think of self-care might think of a day at a spa, shopping spree, eating out an expensive restaurant, etc. But none of these things are essential or needed to improve your happiness.

In order to feel happy what you really need is for your body, soul and mind to all be nourished. You can do all these things for absolutely free.

Here are just a few free ideas on how you can fill your cup of joy.

  1. Enjoy a warm beverage by yourself or even with your kids. Self care doesn’t mean you have to do things alone even though you of course can.
  2. Take a few minutes in a hot shower and let your worries wash away.
  3. Take some time to read the bible or a book you enjoy. This again can be done by yourself; you could potentially read an interesting book you enjoy to your kids or have a set quiet time in the home so you can read in peace.
  4. Eat nourishing meals. Sometimes it’s fun just to make something special you specifically like. Let the kids have something simpler if you know they won’t enjoy your meal.
  5. Go outside for a walk and get fresh air. Fresh air and sunshine can do more good for you than you can ever imagine. Take it up a notch and let your feet be barefoot on the grass. It’s called grounding and it’s amazing.

How To Start Self Care

Tea and biscuits on a table.

Self-care will look different for different people. While exercising might make me feel great and feel better it might not do the same for you. So how do you even figure out what will fill you up?

  1. You can start by writing a list of things you enjoy doing? You don’t know? What did you like doing before kids? Can you still do any of those things now? Get a bit creative, remember you don’t have to actually do a lot of things alone to have your cup filled. For example, if you enjoyed going on hikes before kids why not take your kids on an easy trail to begin with or invest in a pram that’s suitable for rougher trails?!

2. Do Something Small for yourself: It doesn’t have to be this big grand thing that takes hours in a day. Seriously a 5-minute shower can do wonders.

A cup of tea, maybe you keep a stash of chocolate, and you take a piece of it a day. Have a beautiful bouquet of flowers displayed in your home. Honestly, it’s the smallest things that can make the biggest difference.

3. Workout At Home: Moving your body does a lot to the mind as well! Going for walks, run or even doing a short 10-minute YouTube work out can feel very fulfilling after it’s been done.

There is something about working out either with weights, Pilates and or yoga that keeps you centred and just makes you feel good afterward. My kids love to join in on the workout and the little ones can be awesome weights resistant’s!

4. Make Sure To Sleep: Yes, I know firsthand how tempting it is to stay up late for that oh so wanted alone time. But be careful you aren’t staying up so late that you are exhausted the next morning.

Going to bed at a reasonable time will ensure your body and mind gets the much-needed rest it needs to repair and recoup.

5. Involve Your Kids: If you can’t beat them join them, right? If you really can’t get any time for yourself by yourself why not involve the kids in something you love. Your enthusiasm will normally spread to them as well.

Doing things happily as a family if fulfilling and live giving. Just change your mind set a little and realise that not everything last. These can be opportunities for happy memories to be made.

6. Learn To Let Go: Life happens, and things will not always go as planned. There will be good times and there will be hard times. Sometimes we just have to let go and learn to adapt.

Maybe you couldn’t take that hour bath you wanted because the baby woke up, but you can enjoy a 5-minute shower. Maybe some of the house chores have to wait because kids are sick.

It’s okay the chores aren’t going anywhere I promise, but kids will grow up and right now they need you. Sometimes we just need to think of the big picture.

Do we want our kids to remember us as fun, happy and relaxed or stressed, angry and annoyed. Let go of things that don’t really matter. Life is too short.

7. Keep your home minimalised: What I mean by this is make sure everything has a spot in your home. Decluttering and having just what you need really clears the mind, clears the space in your home and makes clean up so much easier.

This is a gift to yourself I promise! If this sounds overwhelming, I wrote a post all about How To Successfully Declutter Your Home Quickly!

8. Create spots of beauty in your home. Have areas in your home you truly love. Little spots and corners of beauty that make you smile.

Wether it’s a vase of flowers, a beautiful painting on the wall, some potted plants. Add beauty into your home, that can allow you to stop and smile.

How To Balance Motherhood And Self-care?

Okay let’s decide how can you possible balance motherhood and also care for yourself!

Here are a few ways you can take a little time in the day for you!

  1. If possible, wake up 30 minutes before everyone else is up and do what makes you happy. Have warm beverage, read a book, do some stretching, go for a walk whatever will set you up for the day!
  2. Set a time at some point in the day for everyone to have quiet time. Yes, this can be done! Either they can do something quietly in their rooms or play quietly on a mat near you. Start with just 5 minutes and slowly extend the time to an hour. Before you know it you will have an hour peace on a more regular schedule where you can do something you enjoy quietly. Kids will generally follow your example and do something quietly as well.
  3. If your kids are still napping take that time to do something for you instead of trying to catch up on house chores. The chores will still get done and you will feel better afterward.
  4. Stay up a little longer after kids have gone to bed and do something you enjoy anything that fills your soul.

Self Care Ideas For Busy Moms And Homemakers

In a nutshell here are simple ideas you can do at home, so you are feeling better.

  1. Have a little stash of healthy dark chocolate you can nibble once in a while when no one is looking 😉
  2. Take a lovely 5 minute shower by yourself.
  3. Get the kids and husband to help more around the house.
  4. Don’t put more stress on yourself if you can’t take anymore on say no to things!
  5. Have beautiful flowers on display.
  6. Read a book in your spare time instead of going on your phone.
  7. Go for a little walk or just sit out in the sun for a little with or without kids.
  8. Make something you love to eat.
  9. Once a week either do takeaway or have leftover night!
  10. Drink a warm beverage.
  11. Have lovely music playing in the background.
  12. Have a diffuser on with scents you enjoy!


Self-care doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. Make sure first your basic human needs are met like sleep, nourishment and personal hygiene.

Other than that self-care are moments in the day where you are able to allow a moment rest, a moment of true enjoyment and happiness. Moments of joy will do wonders for the heart.

Taking the time to enjoy beauty using your 5 senses will replenish you more than you know. I hope you found these tips helpful and have a lovely day. See you in my next post!

4 thoughts on “Self Care For The Busy Mom And Homemaker”

  1. Perfect timing! My #1 goal for July is “balance.” My sweet husband reminded me to not forget what brings me joy each day! Great list!

  2. I love this post! It feels so warm to read and especially I adore the insight that self-care does not actually cost much – most of the time it doesn’t cost a thing. Saved this for later <3

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