How To Make Homemade Mayonnaise

This is a super easy, delicious and quick homemade mayonnaise recipe! You can literally have homemade mayonnaise ready to eat in 5 minutes with a few ingredients you most likely already have at home.

Homemade mayonnaise in a jar on a table.

Why Make Homemade Mayonnaise

There are so many reasons to make your own mayonnaise at home!

  1. It’s so much tastier than store bought mayo!
  2. It’s a lot healthier filled with pure ingredients found in your pantry. No additives, thickeners, numbers or colors just pure goodness!
  3. It’s cheaper to make homemade mayonnaise than to buy it from the store.
  4. It’s super quick to make and keeps well in the fridge.
  5. You can make different variations and add different flavours to it.

Ingredients In Homemade Mayonnaise

There are a few key ingredients you need to make mayonnaise. You honestly probably already have these ingredients sitting in your fridge and pantry right now! You will need the following ingredients.

Neutral flavoured oil – You will want to use an oil that doesn’t have a strong taste. I wouldn’t recommend using things like extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil as they impart a very strong flavour to your mayo.

Oils I would recommend would be grapeseed oil, avocado oil or I have also used rice bran oil. You can use a light flavoured olive oil if you like the taste but just know a lot of oil goes into making your mayo, so you need to like the taste of the oil you use.

If you really want to use olive oil you can do 1/2 olive oil and half another type of oil or you can up the amount of honey in this recipe to mask the taste.

Egg– This recipe does call for eggs and I do use my eggs from my chickens. I don’t have any issues adding raw eggs to the recipe but if you are concerned buy pasteurised eggs from your local shop.

Acid– You will need to use either vinegar or lemon juice to make this recipe work. This helps you get the nice thick mayonnaise you are used to from the shop. It also imparts a nice flavour. I use apple cider vinegar with the mother in mine and we all enjoy it.

Mustard– Sometimes I use mustard and sometimes I do not. I think a little mustard adds a good flavour, but it also seems to help it thicken nicely as well.

Extra Ingredients

Now these are all the main ingredients you need to make mayonnaise, but I do add a few extra ingredients to make it extra delicious!

Sea salt– I love adding a bit of salt to my mayonnaise for the added minerals and for the taste. I know that salt and egg white mixed together help to thicken the egg white so I believe it would also help with thickening mayonnaise too.

Honey– I like my mayonnaise to be a little sweet so honey is added. I have never used another type of sweetener but I’m sure raw sugar or maybe even maple syrup could be nice!

Garlic– Garlic in homemade mayonnaise is so delicious! You only need a little bit to get an amazing flavour, plus it helps to preserve your mayo for longer!

Supplies Needed

Making Mayonnaise. Using an immersion blender to blend eggs and oil.

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Immersion Blender – This is super helpful in making mayonnaise and I highly recommend buying one if you don’t have one already! It’s an overall handy tool to have in the kitchen. The link here is a very good brand and also comes with a jar suitable for that blender with a lid!

Narrow Jar – Any long narrow jar will do. I have a long narrow measuring cup which works a treat. This really helps with the emulsification and thickening of the mayo. Not required but handy to have as it slows the blending down a bit so it can thicken slower. If it blends to quick you won’t get thick mayo just a liquid mess!

How To Make Mayonnaise

  1. Add the oil into your narrow jar, then place the eggs, vinegar, honey and spices.
  2. Place your immersion blender into the bottom of the jar and slowly start to blend.
  3. Slowly move upwards while blending.
  4. Taste and see if you would like to adjust the flavour.
  5. Pour the mayo into a clean jar with a lid and place into the fridge. That’s it!

How To Store Mayonnaise

Homemade Mayonnaise in a spoon.

Store mayonnaise in a clean jar with a lid in the fridge. I have found my mayonnaise to last several weeks no issues at all in the fridge. Many recipes say it only last a week, but I think this recipe might last so much longer for several reasons. First it contains garlic and salt which helps prohibit bacterial growth. Second, I use apple cider vinegar with the mother which adds good bacteria into my mayo also helping it to last longer.

Trouble Shooting Tips

If your mayonnaise comes out thin and didn’t emulsify properly there are a couple things you can try. Just try one add a time until your mayo is perfect! I personally have only had this happen once to me out of the many years I have been making homemade mayo!

  1. You can add another egg yolk at room temperature to your mixture and pulse it slowly. It should thicken up!
  2. Adding a little mustard can also help the mixture emulsify and harden. Add 1 tsp of mustard to the mixture and slowly pulse.
  3. Add some more oil to your mix and slowly pulse until it thickens. The oil is what helps it emulsify and get thicker.

For Mayonnaise that is too thick

  1. If your mayo is very thick you can add 1 to 2 tsp of water or lemon juice to thin out. Make sure to mix it well.

Ways To Use Mayo

There are so many ways to use Mayonnaise other than for sandwiches!

Use it in coleslaw, to make honey mustard dressing, add into potato salad, use it for creamy baked cauliflower or in a delicious tuna salad! Mayonnaise is so delicious and can be used to add flavour to so many different meals!

I hope you enjoy this recipe! Let me know in the comments how you went making it!

Homemade mayonnaise on a cutting board in a jar.

Homemade Mayonnaise Recipe

Yield: 1 cup
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Blend Time: 2 minutes
Total Time: 2 minutes

Homemade Mayonnaise is easy to make and healthier than store bought version. You can make this in 5 minutes with just a few ingredients!


  • 3/4 cup of neutral flavoured oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar preferably with the mother but not necessary.
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp mustard powder or Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 2 garlic cloves or 1/2 tsp garlic powder (optional but delicious!)
  • 1/2 tsp sweet paprika powder (optional but delicious!)


  1. Place oil into a narrow long jar and then add the rest of the ingredients. Let it set for a minute or two.
  2. Place immersion blender at the bottom of the jar and slowly pulse. Slowly Pulse the mixture upwards as it thickens.
  3. Once all the mixture has been mixed together place in a clean jar with a lid and put into the fridge.
  4. Enjoy as is on sandwiches or in other recipes that call for mayonnaise.
  5. I find this recipe can last several weeks no issues when made using all the ingredients listed,


  1. If your mayonnaise is too thin and doesn't thicken you can try adding in another egg yolk and slowly pulsing the ingredients together.
  2. Adding apple cider vinegar with the mother adds probiotics which is why I believe my mayo last longer in the fridge. Along with adding salt and garlic which also helps to stop the growth of any bad bacteria helping it last longer in the fridge.

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