Easy, Creamy Oatmeal Recipe

If you want to a healthy, creamy and oh so delicious oatmeal recipe look no further!

This recipe is loaded with goodness of fibre, healthy fats, protein and of course natural sweetness.

A nutritious and filling breakfast you will definitely love!

I have to say I use to make very bland oatmeal that wasn’t very nice. After a few adjustments I learned oatmeal can be a very satisfying breakfast.

If you want the best easy, healthy and creamy oatmeal recipe look no further. You will love this creamy naturally sweetened breakfast recipe.

To make this extra filling oatmeal recipe with more protein you will see I add eggs to this recipe. It is optional but oh so delicious, adds extra creaminess, protein and kids have no idea at all!

Without further ado let’s start with what type of oats to use for oatmeal!

Types Of Oats

Whole oat groats: These are grain kernels where the hulls have been removed. These take a long time to cook and would have a chewier consistency.

Steal cut oats: Steal cut oats have a chewer consistency. They are oat groats that have been chopped into several smaller pieces.

Whole oats: Are steamed oat groats that are rolled into flakes. Also known as traditional oats and my favourite oats to use.

Quick oats: Are just oats that have been steamed longer and rolled into smaller flakes. They generally cook very quickly, hence the name.

Best Oatmeal Tips

  1. Add milk: If you want a creamy and delicious oatmeal you really want to add milk! It can be cow milk or nut milk.
  2. Keep the water, milk and oat consistency: To get the perfect oats you want to have a good consistency of liquid to oats. I do a 1:1:1 ratio. Simple and works great!
  3. Use Rolled or quick oats: For the creamiest and easiest oats use rolled or quick oats.
  4. Add sweetener: Oats can be pretty bland on their own, add some sort of sweetener whether honey, sugar, maple syrup or even fruit!
  5. Pinch of salt: Salt makes everything taste better honestly just a little really enhances the flavour.

Ingredients List For Oatmeal

oatmeal ingredients displayed on a cutting board.

You only really need 3 ingredients to make oatmeal. But for this oatmeal recipe, which is amazing, I do add a few others!

Whole or Quick oats: You need oats to make oatmeal. I prefer the texture of whole or quick oats, they cook faster and come out creamier.

Milk: If you want creamy, less bland oats add some sort of milk, whether it’s cow or plant based! It makes a huge difference.

Water: Add some filtered water to thin out the recipe.

Sweetener: You can choose what you prefer but without some sort of sweetener oatmeal can be vary bland. I prefer rapadura sugar, maple syrup, or honey.

Eggs: (optional): This adds protein, makes oatmeal more filling and adds an extra creaminess that makes oatmeal taste amazing!

Vanilla: Vanilla just adds more flavour and depth to your oatmeal.

Salt: A pinch of salt really helps to enhance the flavour and even out the recipe.

How To Make Oatmeal Step By Step

Homemade creamy oatmeal in a bowl topped with honey.
  1. Add the oats, milk, water, vanilla and eggs to a pot. Whisk well before turning the heat on medium.
  2. Then add the sugar and pinch of salt.
  3. Continue whisking until the porridge thickens to the consistency you like.
  4. Take if off the heat and scoop it into bowls.
  5. Top with honey or your favourite fruit. More flavour ideas below!

Oatmeal Flavour Variations

Creamy homemade oatmeal topped with stewed apples, in a bowl.

The best thing about oatmeal is all the different flavour variations! You can create a fun and enjoyable breakfast easily!

Here are a few different flavour options you can add to this oatmeal recipe.

  1. Try adding 1 drop of orange oil in your oats. It tastes amazing!
  2. Add cinnamon and brown sugar. It’s so good.
  3. Stew apples or top with any variety of fruit.
  4. Add yoghurt for extra creaminess or flavoured yoghurt to add a different flavour.
  5. Mix some cacao powder and nut butter to your oats, top with chocolate chips!
Homemade creamy oatmeal in a bowl topped with honey.

Creamy Oatmeal Recipe

Yield: 4 serves
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes

If you want the best easy, healthy and creamy oatmeal recipe look no further. You will love this creamy naturally sweetened breakfast recipe.


  • 1 cup whole oats
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup milk of choice
  • 1/4 Rapadura sugar, brown sugar, honey or maple syrup
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt


  1. Add the oats, milk, water, vanilla and eggs to a pot. Whisk well before turning the heat on medium.
  2. Then add the sugar and pinch of salt.
  3. Continue whisking until the porridge thickens to the consistency you like.
  4. Take if off the heat and scoop it into bowls.
  5. Top with honey or your favourite fruit. More flavour ideas below!


Oatmeal flavour options

  1. Try adding 1 drop of orange oil in your oats. It tastes amazing!
  2. Add cinnamon and brown sugar. It's so good.
  3. Stew apples or top with any variety of fruit.
  4. Add yoghurt for extra creaminess or flavoured yoghurt to add a different flavour.
  5. Mix some cacao powder and nut butter to your oats, top with chocolate chips!

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Questions and Answers

Is water or milk best for making oatmeal?

While you can use water or milk to make oatmeal, I find milk adds extra creaminess and some flavour. You can use cow milk or a plant-based milk.

How do you store oatmeal?

You can store cooked oatmeal in an airtight container in the fridge for about 5 days. You can also freeze already cooked oatmeal in an airtight container for several months.

Just let it defrost in the fridge, and warm it up when you are ready to eat.

What is the ratio of oatmeal to water?

Oats absorb a bit of liquid. The best ratio I have found is 1-part oats and 2 parts liquid. The liquid can be water, milk or a mixture of the two.

Is oatmeal the same as porridge?

Oatmeal and porridge are basically the same thing. The main difference is oatmeal is only made using oats. Porridge can be made using a variety of grains and legumes.

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